Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What about director Yogesh?

You termed life is a drama. Can you reveal its meaning?
Yes. Really it is a drama. It starts with the sun rise… i.e., in the morning and the drama ends for that day by night. In the morning, when I get up from my bed, I get a call that today this would be the shot. From then onwards I start my work, which include shouts, anger, uneasiness, happy moments, cracking of jokes what not. We don’t know when we get anger and when we feel happy. One more thing. We propose to do something. It may happen or may not happen. But what should have to be done would be done and what should not be would not happen. If we think something that it should happen, it is totally wrong. Who are you to think? You should complete the work for which you came to this world. We will quit this life even without our knowledge. So, don’t you think that it is a big drama?
Tell us about the heroines in this movie?
For me both the heroines are in new combination. Both their characters in the film are also very good. One of them would be in India and another in the US. Both the characters run along with my role. Both of them gave a nice performance all through the movie.
What about director Yogesh?
In fact, I was supposed to do a film with director Yogi some four years ago. But we could not do that project due to some unavoidable reasons. However, he continued to remain in touch with me. Our combination, somehow set for this movie.
Tell us about Bujji and your combination with him?
If I have to tell about Bujji, it would be a very big story. He came up in his life from a very low stage and reached the present stage with sheer hard work. He made a film with me called ‘Lakshmi’ and it was blockbuster. Later, he made another movie in association with Suresh Productions. He would continue to do so further. If he finds talent anywhere, he immediately bring it to light. He won’t remain idle even a single day. He keeps on bringing a new story everyday. He worked very hard for this film production. I wish that this movie would also give him a big hit on the lines of our earlier combination ‘Lakshmi’.

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