Wednesday, October 1, 2008

am completely

You are saying ‘if the film to be a hit’. Does it mean that you are doubtful about it?
I am not exactly doubtful and at the same time I am completely not very confident. We are just nominal. Hits and flops are not in our hands. What we should do is that we should do our duty and leave the result to the fate and destiny. Life itself is advocating the same principle because the entire universe is a big drama. Where there is a drama, there will be failures as well as successes. Just because we got a hit, we just can’t boast that we did something great or anything like that. We got birth and is running it as it comes. We have to play our role in this stage called universe and nothing is in our hands.
It appears you are talking like a great philosopher?
What appears? It is what the entire media is gossiping about me. Didn’t you read? What all we can say is what we know. What we don’t know, we should try to learn. When we thought of thinking to learn something, they name it as madness.
Then why don’t you react to such comments in the media?
You see. It is his problem. When that reporter is feeling happy to comment on me, why should I disturb his happiness. He could write about it once, twice and after that he himself would remain silent. Nothing would happen after that. Earlier, I thought that I am alone like this, but now I was able to see such comments on several artistes.

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